Heimsins bezta bull

07 nóvember 2003

Stöð 2 skaut sig í fótinn í gær...Ráku einn keppanda út úr Idol keppninni þar sem hann átti að hafa brotið reglu um fjölmiðlabann...Dagskrárstjóri Stöðvar 2 segir að megin ástæða brottrekstursins sé sú að allir keppendur eigi að fá jafna umfjöllun í fjölmiðlum...Ansi skondin ástæða þar sem Stöð 2 hefur brotið þessa reglu stanslaust frá byrjun þessara ágætu Idol-þátta...Þar sem a.m.k. 5 þáttakendur af þessum 32 hafa fengið miklu meiri umfjöllum í þáttunum sjálfum! Það versta er samt að greyið keppandinn er að verða fyrir barðinu á mjög ósmekklegri auglýsingabrellu. Það er vitað mál að áhorfið datt ansi mikið niður milli þátta 1 og 2...sést best á þeirri staðreynd að mun færri kusu eftir þátt 2. Svo fáir reyndar að Stöð 2 hefur ekki séð sér fært að tilkynna hversu margir kusu eftir þann þátt...Það versta fyrir Stöð 2 er að svona auglýsingatrikk virka ekki á Íslendinga...alla veganna ekki á mig...

En yfir í allt annað...Liverpool gerði jafntefli við Staeua Búkarest í gær. Í "nýrri" íþróttagrein; Leðjubolti...Horfði á leikinn á Champions Cafe ásamt Halla Bumbu og Hjalta...Mestu undrun mína vakti markið sem Djimi Traore skoraði...því hann er nú betur þekktur fyrir að vera mistækur varnarmaður en knattleikinn sóknarbakvörður...

Í kvöld er stefnan tekin á 80. ára afmæli afa kærustunnar sem verður að öllum líkindum stórskemmtilegt...Á morgun bíður símavinnan milli 10 og 14...Knattspyrnuleikur á Stöð 2 og að lokum keilumót Málningar eitthvað fram eftir kveldi...Á Sunnudagurinn verður svo enn meira knattraksgláp því þá munu Liverpool-menn fá Man U í heimsókn...Strax þar á eftir tekur svo Chelsea á móti Newcastle...Getur barasta ekki verið betra...

P.s. Vil byðja Tomma afsökunar á lélegri mætingu í Sporthúsið þessa vikuna...Bara allt of mikið að gera þessa dagana...Kemst líklega ekki fyrr en eftir helgi....Mæti samt pottþétt í boltann á sunnudaginn...

Skemmtilegar samlíkingar í tilefni dagsins (tekið af tilveran.is

Arsene Wenger
"From my position in the dug-out I did not see the incident clearly so I
cannot really comment. However, I do think that he gets picked on by
opposition players and fans who are clearly chickenophobic."

David O'Leary
"To be fair, he's just a baby chicken really and crossing the road is just a
big exciting adventure for him. He'll enjoy the experience as long as it
lasts and learn from it, but I don't seriously expect him to cross it this

Alex Ferguson
"As far as I'm concerned he crossed the road at least a minute early
according to my watch."

George Graham
"I want good, solid team of chickens who'll cross the road in a straight
line when they're told and how they're told. There's no room at this club
for a prima donna chicken running around aimlessly - he's not worth it!"

Gianluca Vialli
"When the fish are down, he'll just be one of the chaps. It doesn't matter
to me whether he's an Italian, French or English chicken as long as he's
willing to die on the road."

Peter Reid
"Just cross the f***ing road, you chicken f***!"

Glenn Hoddle
"The chicken was hit by the lorry when crossing the road because in a
previous life it had been a bad chicken."

Brian Clough
"If God had wanted chickens to cross roads he'd have put corn in the tarmac.
Anyway, I'm more interested in Wild Turkey."

Ron Atkinson
"Spotter's badge, Clive. For me, Chicko's popped up at the back stick,
little eyebrows, and gone bang! And I'll tell you what - I've got a sneaking
feeling that this road's there to be crossed."

Ruud Gullit
"I am hoping to see some sexy poultry."

Gordon Strachan
"I'm really proud of the wee fella. Let's face it, if it had been one of the
big chickens everyone would be saying how well he'd done, but as it's one of
the wee chickens it must be luck."

John Gregory
"Two months ago that chicken was saying he was happy here. Now he tells me
he wants to cross the road. I feel like shooting him."

Kevin Keegan
"OK, so the chicken's dead, but I still feel, hey, he can go all the way to
the other side of the road."
.. Or ..
"I would love it if the chicken crossed the road, just LOVE it ! "

Joe Royle
"I can't understand why they're letting female chickens cross roads these
days. They should be at home laying eggs."

Bobby Robson
"Goose, what turkey, is there a duck somewhere, where am I?"

Gerard Houllier
'The chicken is 10 yards from greatness'
'I stopped the chicken from crossing, because he displayed a very bad
attitude and squawked rudely at me once. He will no longer cross the road
with us'

David Moyes
" The chicken did well crossing the road - but I'm not letting you interview
him as he is to young at the momment

Martin O'Neill
"Hey, don't get me wrong. No one is more delighted than me that the road has
been crossed. But we've now got to mount the pavement and it won't be easy.
But hey I'm doing cartwheels, honest!"

Neil Warnock
"He didnt want to cross the ******* road did he, he just wanted to spit at

Claudio Ranieri
"Errrrrrrrrrm Chicken Errrrrrrrrrrrrm Road Errrrrrrrrrrm Crossed "

Graham Taylor
Do I not like the way he crossed the road today

Bill Shankly:
"aye, the chicken crossed the road to make the people happy. . . the problem
with the chicken was that his brains were all in his head at first"


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